Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Basic Argument Essay Example

The Basic Argument Paper The Basic Argument: It is now time to deal with the question of why a government should not be paternalistic. Mill argues that such legislation has the strong potential to be damaging to the society by stifling individuality and prohibiting people from having control over their own lives. Paternalistic laws will also tend to inhibit the evolution of society and social customs by mandating that people follow the currently established norms. It is certainly the case that paternalistic legislation inhibits individuality. Mill argued that individuality is of crucial importance to the health of a democratic society because without it there develops stagnation and complacency, which discourage people from becoming educated and politically involved. Paternalism also prevents the emergence of the truth concerning both scientific and social questions. A government might choose to compel all of its citizens to go to church on Sunday (or even to practice a particular religion) because they believe that it is better for those people if they do so, but such a policy is oppressive as well as deterring individuality. Such a law would certainly have been possible in the past, but society has evolved to the point where we would no longer accept such a law. This is a progression in society. Maybe a better example would be the historical government restriction on scientific inquiry that went against a state endorsed religion, this clearly had detrimental effects on social and scientific development. A contemporary example would be our laws against homosexual relationships and restrictions on homosexual marriages. We will write a custom essay sample on The Basic Argument specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Basic Argument specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Basic Argument specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Such laws are clearly paternalistic, and they inhibit the development of alternative ways of living which may turn out to be beneficial to the individuals and thus to the society. Suggested laws against smoking in private (where others arent harmed) are another modern example of paternalistic laws. b) Refinements for more difficult cases: These arguments may seem to have little to do with something like seat belt laws, and you might ask what is wrong with those kinds of laws. There are two reasons that these kinds of laws should not be passed according to Mills theory. The first reason is simply that the government has no particular interest in what I do with my own life and my own possessions, certainly no interest that compares to the overwhelming interest that I have in my own life, health, and property. I also have far more information about my own situation and the peculiar circumstances that I am in at any given time. So, it would seem to be reasonable that the government would trust my judgment about what it is best for me to do in matters which involve only my own interests. (The government might reasonably try to convince me that what I am doing is a mistake by means of advertising and education, but this is very different from government compulsion. ) So, I should be trusted to judge when it is reasonable to wear a seat belt because I am the one in a position to best make that judgment. The other response that Mill can make is that the government cannot be trusted to tell which paternalistic laws are innocuous (like seat belt laws may be) and which are harmful, so they should not be allowed to make any laws that are paternalistic. This argument is quite important. The point is that politicians are very bad at being objective about their motives and also not good at understanding or caring about the effect of legislation on the minority. Thus, they cannot be trusted to be able to determine which paternalistic laws are fair to minorities. Even if they could tell, they could not be trusted to refrain from passing oppressive laws. An analogy here is this: you can imagine that there is a surgical procedure that will have some minor beneficial effects, but that there are some people who have a very serious negative reaction to this procedure and it is not possible to tell who those people are (or even what percentage of the population will have that reaction). In such a case, it would be a bad idea to risk this procedure and it would surely be wrong to impose such a risk on someone without their consent (which is analogous because the government does not ask individuals consent when it passes laws). Clarifying the analogy: Passing a single paternalistic law is analogous to imposing this surgery on a single person because each of these things might have some good effects but each also might have some very bad effects, in each case we simply cannot tell which will happen. Thus, in neither case should we take the risk. [See part 9,b below for further explanation] 7) What constitutes harm? a) Basic answer: This is a very tricky question, and there have been very large books published which try to answer just this question. Ill do my best in a paragraph or so. Harm certainly includes most any form of physical harm (e. g., you punching me out, or you smoking near to me). It also would include most forms of financial harm (e. g. , you taking my car, or you breaking my watch), but there are certain financial harms that will certainly not be included (e. g. , me moving in next to you and lowering your property values because of my race, or me influencing people not to do business with you when I tell them that you overcharged me). The latter type of cases do harm you financially, but the real source of the financial harm is not me, it is other peoples racism and your own poor businesses practices respectively. There are also mental harms which are included (e.g. , you threatening me, or you excessively harassing me), but the standard is very strict in this area and the presumption is that a mental harm does not constitute a real instance of harm to others (e. g. , I am offended by your joke, or I am disgusted by your style of dress). There are going to be a lot of hard cases concerning this (e. g. , your offense at the nudity of me on the beach, or your financial harm when I move in next door and cut down all the trees on my property and use my back yard as a smelly compost heap). It is not clear whether these cases fall under Mills theory as involving harm to others or not. b) Harm and Political Speech: One area deserves particular note, the area of political speech. Some political demonstrations and speech can cause social unrest. The best example of this is when the Nazis wanted to march in the predominately Jewish town of Skokie, Illinois where many holocaust survivors live. Such a demonstration would certainly cause extreme mental harm to others, and would likely cause a riot which would cause severe physical harm. Mill wants to defend freedom of expression and speech, and this type of speech would certainly be protected. It can be difficult to determine the difference between political speech which will cause a riot and rabble rousing which will incite a riot (which Mill does not think should be allowed). There is also the more modern legal classification of some speech as hate speech, and Mill would probably not support the protection of this kind of speech but I am not at all clear on what the criteria for hate speech is. The point is that speech can harm others, but it is also strongly protected by Mill, so such cases are very difficult. [See On Liberty, chapter 2 for a detailed discussion.] 8) Mills refinement of the assignable obligation: Some philosophers claim that Mill abandons the simple harm-to-others principle in the latter part of On Liberty in favor of the new principle of the assignable obligation. This new principle is stated in this way by Elizabeth Rapaport: A person ought to be subject to social coercion only to prevent a violation of a distinct and assignable obligation to any other person or persons. (From the editors introduction to Mills On Liberty, quotation marks surround Mills words) a) What is a distinct and assignable obligation? A distinct and assignable obligation is where there is someone who has either a right, or a legitimate claim or expectation, which the obligated person is bound to honor. These obligations can be from a promise or contract, a social position (e. g. , spouse, parent, employee, citizen), or possibly some other source. It is important to note that not all obligations are distinct and assignable. For example, I may have a moral obligation to give to charity on occasion, but there are no specific charities that can claim that I have a distinct and assignable obligation to give them money. One has a distinct and assignable obligation only if someone else has a right that you must fulfill (even a negative right). For example, you have a negative right not to be hit by anyone, so I have a distinct and assignable obligation not to hit you. b) How this affects Mills Theory: This revision does not radically change Mills theory, it merely changes the focus from the vague idea of a harm to others, to the supposedly more precise idea of a distinct and assignable obligation. (Personally, I prefer the harm-to-others formulation, even though it is in need of extensive clarification with respect to what constitutes a harm.) 9) Connection between rights and utility: An understanding of utilitarianism is important to understand this section. I could write for pages about this, but Im going to try not to. a) Basic issue: There seems a first look to be a fundamental incompatibility between Mills political theory of rights expressed in On Liberty and Mills moral theory expressed in Utilitarianism. In On Liberty, he claims that government should never interfere with an individual, except to prevent harm to others (i. e. , never be paternalistic). But in Utilitarianism he claims that the right thing to do is whatever will maximize utility. He also admits (what would be absurd to deny), that there are some possible laws which are paternalistic, but which do actually maximize utility. These seem totally incompatible, but they are not. Take a few minute to make sure that you see the apparent incompatibility before you read on. Im totally serious, stop reading! b) Mills consistent answer: Mill recognizes that it is practically impossible to calculate utilities of citizens, so government cannot make decisions by directly applying the principles of utilitarianism (just as individuals cannot do so). Thus, government must use some other principles to rule well. They need to use principles that can be followed easily and cannot be abused (since governments have a tendency to abuse their power), and ones that will come as close as possible to maximizing utility. The harm principle is fairly easily followed, and is very difficult to abuse, so long as exceptions are not permitted to the principle. Almost all of the laws which will contribute to maximum utility will be allowed by the harm principle. The laws which might contribute to utility, but are not allowed by the harm principle, could only be passed if a government allowed exceptions to the harm principle. But since we are unable to consistently judge which paternalistic laws are harmful and which are beneficial, more harm would be done by allowing for exceptions than would be done by not allowing for any exceptions at all (including those few paternalistic laws that would contribute to utility). [See the medical analogy at the end of part G,6,b]

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Changing Heart Rates Study essays

Changing Heart Rates Study essays Nervous control of heart beat - Page 4 Broker, (2011) states that 'the cardiac cycle is the cyclical contraction (systole) and the relaxation (diastole) of the two atria and the ventricles.' Each cycle is initiated by the spontaneous generation of an action potential in the sinoatrial node. Diastole lasts around 0.4 seconds. Increasing pressure in the ventricles closes the triaspid and mitral valves; this then means that all four valves are closed. Ventricular pressure continues to rise until eventually the pulmonary and aortic valves are forced open and blood is ejected into the pulmonary artery and aorta (Crowley, 1996). When the heart rate is increased the amount of time the diastole and systole take place is shortened, so that more blood is pumped out in one minute. During aerobic exercise cellular respiration in muscle cells need to increase significantly to maintain its performance. When exercising, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is needed in order for muscles to contact (Brown, 2006). This provides energy and allows movement on demand. When muscles contract hard and as fast, we use ATP far faster than it can be possibly made. Whilst exercising, ATP is made using a chemical reaction that requires oxygen. The oxygen comes from the air breathed into the lungs and is then carried to the muscles in the hemoglobin of the red blood cell. This way of making ATP is called aerobic respiration. This is the breakdown of glucose with oxygen to provide energy for the muscle cells. It produces heat which increases body temperature and carbon dioxide which we breath out. To maintain a steady supply of glucose and oxygen to working muscles, and the removal of carbon dioxide will allow an increase in stroke volume (Sherwood, 2012). During exercise, the card iovascular system works harder. It needs to deliver oxygen to muscles. The volume delivered by each beat of the heart (stroke volume) increases. Whilst exercising, the initial increase i...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Right to Vote Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Right to Vote - Essay Example One of the few countries in the Middle East that has allowed women the right to not only vote but also run for political office is Lebanon, showing a willingness to change with the times.   â€Å"Lebanese women won the right to vote and to participate in national elections in 1952, 19 years before women in Switzerland† (Khalife, 2009).   Although women in Lebanon are allowed the right to vote and hold political office it is still a very male dominated culture, â€Å"in fact, only 17 women have served in Lebanons Parliament since suffrage† (Khalife, 2009).   One of the major reasons that women’s voices in Lebanon are marginalized is the fact that political parties are focused on sectarian differences.   Lebanese politics are unique to the Middle East, with 18 separate political parties being recognized and allowed the right to represent the people.   Although Lebanon is not considered free by freedom house, it is one of the few countries in the Middle Ea st that is actively working towards democratic representation of the people.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Virtual Business Design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Virtual Business Design - Assignment Example Problem Definition Since the Eurozone debt crisis that affected Portugal since 2010, the pharmaceutical industry in general and Olive Pharmaceuticals have been experiencing reduced profitability. As a result, it has become difficult to stay within the annual operating budgets. As part of the 2011 IMF bailout package, the Portuguese government has instituted heavy reductions in public expenditure which includes the public health care system. Olive Pharmaceuticals has been affected because of the growing public debt of hospitals and the cuts in pharmaceutical expenditure by the government. In 2012, public hospitals owed â‚ ¬1.5 billion to international pharmaceutical companies. In 2013, the public pharmaceutical expenditure was further reduced by â‚ ¬333 million, which makes pharmaceutical expenditure just 1 percent of GDP (Feria, 2012). As a result, sales to state hospital pharmacies have declined by 10% over the past two years (Feria, 2012). At the same time, operational costs have not reduced proportionally because of increase in energy costs and imported raw materials. The business mission of Olive Pharmaceuticals is to provide high quality oncology pharmaceutical products at affordable prices to consumers through efficient operations and continuous research. This is achieved through goals of keeping operating costs low and maintaining supply chain efficiency. The situation has implications for planning and organizing decisions for Olive Pharmaceuticals as it influences the decision about investing in research or selling generic products. Secondly, the supply chain may have to be reorganized for greater operational efficiency. Situation Analysis Impact of the Situation on Planning Planning is defined as the management function related to the determination of organizational goals and objectives and identifying tasks and resources to achieve those goals (Hill and McShane, 2006). The goal of Olive Pharmaceuticals is to grow its market share and profitabili ty by investing in research and efficient operations. Planning is conducted at different levels such as strategic planning, tactical planning and operational planning. The present situation has implications for planning at all levels. Strategic planning is concerned with decisions about which products to produce and which markets to serve (Carpenter, Bauer, & Erdogan, 2009). In the current situation, where the government is reducing expenditure on pharmaceutical products, the sales of oncology products will become expensive due to high costs. Rationing will further reduce profits while keeping costs the same. On the other hand, sales of generic drugs will increase due to lower prices to the consumer. The planning decisions to be made in this situation include the selection of whether to continue investment in researching new products or market generic drugs to reduce costs and increase sales. This would require careful analysis of the organizational mission and goals. Tactical plann ing is concerned with decisions made at the divisional level. These goals and plans are developed with a view to help the achievement of strategic level goals and plans (Daft, 2013). The challenge of reducing operational costs can be achieved through effective planning at the tactical level with the divisional managers assuming responsibility for staying within the operating budgets for their divisions. Finally, operational level planning is also relevant in the current situ

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Job Satisfaction Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Job Satisfaction - Research Paper Example This is because they can be satisfied by challenging, stimulating and absorbing work. The hygiene factors in the Herzberg’s two factor theory correlate with safety, physiological and belonging needs. They postulate that the deficiency and hygiene needs should be satisfied before an employee is motivated by higher needs. Therefore, the hygiene factors represent the needs to avoid physical harm or pain while motivator needs represent the needs for self actualization. The research questions posed in the study relate to issues such as the variety of tasks, promotional opportunities, the coworkers and rate of pay among others. Employees cannot deliver as expected if they are not satisfied with the work they are undertaking. Job satisfaction entails all the positive and negative feelings towards a job that results from various factors that influence an individual’s life. Job satisfaction describes the level of content of an employee to their job. Satisfied employees perform better than unsatisfied ones (Heller, Judge, & Watson, 2002). Lack of job satisfaction is the most prominent factor that determines the performance of an employee. Some of the job design methods used to promote job satisfaction and performance are job rotation, enlargement and enrichment (Plaks, 2011). According to the law of nature, as employees get more, they yearn for more. Therefore, the level of satisfaction remains less. Other factors that influence job satisfaction include management style and culture, and employee empowerment and involvement. The most common method of job satisfaction entails the use of rating scales whereby the employees present their feelings and attitudes regarding their job. Job satisfaction is a significant indicator of how employees feel about their job and predicts work behaviors such as absenteeism, turnover and

Friday, November 15, 2019

Procurement Methods for Design and Construction

Procurement Methods for Design and Construction 1.0 Introduction A client brief has been provided for the development of a new facility in the University of Salford. In this report, a review will be carried out based on the requirements of the client in the brief and critically analyse the potential procurement methods for both the design and construction of the project. Recommendations for the appropriate procurement route and forms of contract supporting by detailed reasons will be suggested in the report. The Client, The University of Salford, is aspiring to become an outstanding University renowned for the quality of its engagement, humanity, global reach and leadership in research, innovation and education. Strategic plan has been developed to achieve the Universitys goal which is to be ranked amongst the very best of UK universities and recognized internationally by 2017. To achieve this objective, the School of the Built Environment is intended to develop a new facility within the university campus. The building is to be a prestigious and high aesthetic facility which will replace an older building in the university. The new proposed building will contain facilities listed as below: State of the art lecture theatres Meeting rooms Extensive classroom and studio facilities Office accommodation Laboratory accommodation Learning Resource Units External works In addition, the Client requires the new facility to be carbon neutral to be in accordance with the University policy. Furthermore, the Client has allocates a budget of  £ 20 million to cover the total development cost of the project. This cost will include construction works, external works, statutory and professional fees. This proposed building must be completed and handover by 1st of August 2012. The completion date is critical as the facility must be ready for the new academic year. In short, the Clients key requirements and objectives of this new build building are listed as follows: New university facility which will realise the Universitys goal to become a high reputable and internationally renowned university. The facility is to be constructed in highest aesthetic and qualitative standards. The budget of the project is  £ 20 million. The construction time is important as the building is needed by 1st of August 2012 at the very latest. To carry out the construction works of this new facility, the Client needs to understand the various procurement methods available for the project. Hence, this report will analyse the key procurement issues for the Client to consider. 2.0 Procurement Assessment Criteria (PAC) Turner (1990) says that ‘the procurement route that is appropriate to the overall balance of objectives and to client priorities for each project should arise from those objectives and priorities. There are several procurement assessment criteria being set as a guide to choose the appropriate method of procurement: Time Complexity Quality Cost Risk Flexibility In this case, three main criteria which are time, cost and quality will be focused and assessed in the following sections for this particular project to find the most suitable procurement route that balance between these three criteria. Figure 2.1: The balance of time, cost and quality 3.0 Traditional Procurement The traditional system, probably the most commonly adopted procurement strategy in UK, sometimes referred as ‘design-bid-build method. This is because the traditional route separates the responsibility for the design of the project from its construction with a ‘tendering period (Cooke Williams, 2009). Initially, the client appoints consultants for design and for cost control and contract administration of the project. After the design is completed, the tender stage starts by using two stage tendering or negotiation to appoint a contractor for the project. The appointed contractor will then enters into a direct contract with the client and responsible to build and deliver the project. The organizational structure of traditional procurement is shown in Figure 3.1. In addition, due to the design must be completed before the tender stage, the cost of construction can be determined with reasonable certainty before the construction commences on site (Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi , 2006). Client Consultant Contractor QS, structural engineer Architect Subcontractor Supplier Figure 3.1: Traditional procurement (Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi, 2006) The traditional procurement is commonly used because of its particular advantages. These advantages are listed as follows: The design is complete before tendering ensures price certainty for the client. The design does not substantially change during construction therefore contract variations can be kept to a minimum. The client able to have direct influence and retains control over the design team, thus quality in the design can be assured. Detailed information such as drawings and Bills of Quantities provide a common basis for tendering and evaluation is relatively easy. The procedures are well known and enabling confidence to be assured in parties which involved throughout the process. Variations and contract changes are relatively easy to handle. Firm contractual date for completion. While this procurement route has its advantages, there are also criticisms. The main disadvantages are: The duration of project may be longer than other procurement methods as the strategies is sequential and construction cannot be commenced before the completion of design. A longer duration of project may make the cost of project higher because of the increased period of interim financing charges and interim payment to the contractor and consultants. These may cause the cost of project exceeds the clients budget. All the design risk is carried by the client. The contractor has no input into the design and planning of the project. The sequential nature of this system can result in poor communication between the client and the project team and can be cause of expensive disputes. 3.1 Cost By adapting this method of procurement, the cost is agreed as a lump sum fixed price between the University and the contractor thus provides overall cost certainty for the University before the construction commences on site. Besides, the project cost can be estimated, monitored and controlled by the Clients cost consultant during the whole project period and therefore large cost overruns will not occur which is an important advantage to the Client. In addition, traditional method could provide the Client value of money. As explained before, since the design stage is completed before the construction, the design and cost consultant team of the Client will corporate to ensure the design is value for money. 3.2 Time With this procurement route, as the design is carried out before the tender process, the length of time spent to develop the design and prepare the tender documents by the consultant team can be very long. This process tends to prevent the construction works to be started on site. In fact, traditional procurement is identified as the slowest method of procurement compare to others. Hence, this is a disadvantage for this new university facility project as the date of completion is critical. 3.3 Quality The traditional procurement provides the high degree of certainty that the quality and aesthetic standards will be met (Masterman, 2002). This is because the University can select the most appropriate design team for this project to complete the design before the tender stage. During the design stage, the University has direct control and influence over the design therefore can ensure the high aesthetic and quality standards for the new facility are fulfilled. 4.0 Design and build Procurement Ashworth (2006) defined design and build as ‘a procurement arrangement where one single entity or consortium is contractually responsible to the client for both the design and construction of the project. In other words, under a design and build strategy, a single contractor takes the risk and responsibility for designing and building the project. The client will employ a design team to carry out some preliminary design or scheme design. The client will then appoint a contractor to assume the responsibility for the design as well as the construction process. The contractor needs to develop the scheme design to a detailed design. Figure 4.1 illustrates the relationships between the parties that involved in the project. In this method of procurement, the construction can start before the detailed design is completed, but at the contractors risk (Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi, 2006). In practice, design and build procurement consist of a range of variable. The two common variants of this type of procurement are client-led design and build and contractor-led design and build. Client Architect or QS advisers Contractor Subcontractor Suppliers Architect and other designers Figure 4.1: Design and build (Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi, 2006) In client-led design and build, also known as develop and construct, a small number of contractors will be invited to tender for the project when the design is virtually completed possibly with full bills of quantities or notional bills. In this procurement route, study of Cooke Williams (2009) indicates that the client is fully involved in the design development and therefore the design risk is taken fully by the client as the contractor has little involvement to the fundamental design. Additionally, the client will be responsible for all design fees from start to ends of the project. There is an alternative to this method which is a popular practice in the construction industry. Once the contract has been awarded, the design team including the clients architect and other members of the design team will be novated to the contractor. In other words, the contractual obligation to complete the detail aspect of design is legally passed over to the contractor. In this way, the client wi ll maintain an interest in the design but the contractor will be responsible to the continuing design fees and the entire design (Cooke Williams, 2009). On the other hand, in contractor-led design and build, the client may provide minimal information in the outline brief to the contractor. Thus, the contractor is fully responsible for the conceptual and detailed design. As a result, the contractor has to produce a building which meets the clients requirement. In this situation, the contractor takes all of the responsibilities, risks and rewards of design. The contractor may provide an in-house design facility or engage independent design teams (Cooke Williams, 2009). It is preferable to appoint a design team coordinator to ensure the flow of information between the design team and the project team. The main advantages of design and build procurement are listed as follows: The client has only to deal with one firm since the contractor provides single-point responsibility for design and construction. Price certainty is obtained before the commencement of construction works provided the clients requirements are adequately specified and changes are not introduced. The total cost of project is usually lesser than other types of procurement systems. The overall project period is reduced because of overlapping activities as construction can be started before the design is completed. Despite its advantages, design and build has many arguments among the practitioners and client of the industry. The drawbacks of this procurement method are: Tender bids are difficult to compare since each design will be different result in different project time and prices. The tender period and negotiation tends to be much longer Changes of client to project scope can be expensive. No guarantee in terms of design and quality because has less control over this aspect. The client may find difficult in preparing an adequate and sufficiently comprehensive brief. 4.1 Cost The design and build approach enables the contractor to be more positive about the final cost to the Client at an earlier stage (Masterman, 2002). The price would be agreed between the Client and the contractor before construction commences on site. Besides, the initial cost and final cost of using this procurement system are usually lower than other procurement approaches. This is mainly because of the reduction in design costs and the integration of design and construction process. However, value for money is difficult to assess in this type of procurement. This is because there is usually limited information available at the tender stage, not to mention there are different methods, designs and services can be offered by the contractor. As a result, the Client may not be able to judge the efficiency of the design. 4.2 Time The specialty of this procurement route is that the contractor is responsible for both design and construction. Therefore, it allows the overlap of design and construction phases thus reduce the overall project period. This would be an advantage for the University because it ensures the construction works of the new facility can be commenced early. According to Masterman (2002), design and build projects have a better record in terms of completion on time. Hence, the University would be able to have the new building ready for new academic year by using this method of procurement. 4.3 Quality This method of procurement would not be a suitable procurement for this high aesthetic and quality standards project. Design and build is belief that most suitable for simple uncomplicated project which the aesthetic and quality of the project is low. The reason for this is that the contractor is responsible to develop the detailed design of the project. In some circumstances, inevitably the contractor will economise the cost of design to boost the profit margins which will caused a negative effect on the project quality. Additionally, in a design and build project, if the Client unable to provide a satisfactory brief, it is possible result in the Clients functional and quality requirements being unsatisfied. 5.0 Management Procurement 5.1 Management Contracting In this procurement strategy, a management contractor is engaged by the client to manage a number of work package subcontractors in return for a fee. Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi (2006) stated that the management contractor has direct contractual links with all of the subcontractors and carries the responsibility for the construction works without actually carrying out that work. In this method of procurement, the works are let in forms of work package and subcontractors will bids competitively for each work package to obtain the work. The relationship between the parties in management contracting is shown in Figure 5.1.1. Client Consultants Contractor QS, structural engineer Architect Work contractor Figure 5.1.1: Management contracting (Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi, 2006) Management contracting is a ‘fast track strategy says Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi (2006). The work package approach allows the maximum overlap design and construction activities. In more general terms, provided that the work package is completed, the subcontractor may starts works on site before all of the design works are completed. Therefore, the overall project period can be reduced. Due to the nature of this type of procurement, cost certainty cannot be achieved until all packages of work is tendered and let. Hence, strict control of the work package budget is essential for the success of the project (Cooke Williams, 2009). In this strategy, the client reimburses the cost of the work packages to the appointed management contractor who will then pay the subcontractors. So, it is important to appoint the management contractor carefully and ensure that the management fee is appropriate. As the common characteristics of management contracting are previously described, the advantages of this procurement route can now identified: Overlapping of the design and construction processes tends to save time for the overall project thus enables earlier completion to be achieved. The nature of the procurement enables the contractor contribution to design and project planning. Changes can be accommodated provided that packages affected have not been let and there is little or no impact on those already let. Quality of the project can be assured as the design can be developed in stages and site supervisor can be appointed to ensure the quality standard is achieved. On the other hand, there are also weaknesses in this procurement method. The disadvantages are listed as follows: Poor price certainty at the early stage and the potential cost commitment depends on the design team estimates. The total cost of project is usually unknown until the project is well into the construction programme. The client must provide a good quality brief to the design team as the design will not be completed until the client has committed significant resources to the project. The client is responsible for the majority of the project risks. Damages of delay are difficult to pin on one subcontractor. 5.2 Construction Management Under a construction management strategy, Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi (2006) points out that the client does not allocate risk and responsibility to a single main contractor. The client employs the design team and appoints a construction manager based on a negotiated fee simply to manage, programme and co-ordinate the design and construction activities carried out by the work package contractors. Unlike the management contracting, the each work package contractors have direct contractual link with the client and is paid directly by the client (see Figure 5.2.1). Client QS, structural engineer Architect Construction manager Trade contractor Trade contractor Figure 5.2.1: Construction management (Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi, 2006) The construction manager will provides professional construction expertise without assuming financial risk because there is no contractual link with design team or work package contractors. Hence, by using this procurement route, Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi (2006) stated that the client has to be involved closely in the design and construction phases and take necessary actions based on the recommendations from the construction manager. Therefore, this method of procurement is not suitable for inexperienced client. It is recommended to use this procurement for large and complex project or a high degree of design innovation where the client wants deep involvement. Basically, the construction contracting has the similar advantages and disadvantages with the management contracting. Therefore, they will not discuss more in this section and please refer to the previous section if necessary. 5.3 Cost The uncertainty of price will be seen as a disadvantage for the management procurement system. However, the benefit of this ‘fast track strategy may result in cost savings and offsetting extra construction costs. Therefore, it could reduce the overall expense of the project. Besides, in this procurement, the cost of the project can be minimised by improving buildability and by work package contractors undertake the works at competitive prices. 5.4 Time For projects which need fast design and construction period, this would be the appropriate type of procurement to be used. The overlapping of design and construction phases will allows an early start of construction works on site and therefore saving in time can be achieved. Since the time of completion is an important issue in this project, the Client would be suggested to consider to adopting this procurement methods. 5.5 Quality Under this procurement route, the quality of the completed project can be achieved which fully meet the Clients needs provided that the design team is working closely with the management contractor on all aspect of the project to ensure he is fully aware of the design constraints as well as the Clients requirements. Besides, due to the management contractor is appointed at the early stage, he will be able to contribute his construction expertise to achieving an efficient quality standard for this project. 6.0 Justification of procurement strategy 6.1 Procurement Matrix After considering and evaluating the options of procurement available for the project, the most appropriate procurement system that suitable for the project can be selected. This can be achieved by assessing and setting the priorities of the project objectives in terms of time, quality and cost and the client attitude to risk. A universal procurement selection technique which is a procurement matrix is employed to help to select an appropriate procurement strategy for this particular project. The Universitys key objectives and requirements of this project are taken into account during the assessment. After completing this procurement matrix, the result shows that Management Contracting would be best suited procurement system for this new university facility project. Please see the attachment for the completed procurement matrix for this project. 6.2 Procurement strategy After a critical analysis of the procurement options as discussed above and completing the procurement matrix, the Management Contracting route is highly recommended to be adopted for this new build facility project. The reasons of this suggestion is being made are discussed as below. 6.2.1 Cost strategy In terms of cost issue, the Management Contracting probably is not the most recommended procurement systems compare to Traditional and Design and Build. This is because it is not the greatest at providing price certainty to ensure the budget of  £ 20 million can be met at the beginning of the project. However, Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi (2006) points out that this does not mean that the Client has less control over the project cost as strict supervision can be exerted over this aspect of the project. Due to that each package of work are being let by competition between contractors, the Client can monitor the cost closely and if necessary, adjust later work packages in order to cover any cost overruns in the previous work package. Furthermore, the University has to appoint the Management Contractor so that he can advise and contribute at the design process based on his professional expertise and carry out value engineering works to ensure the project is being built within the budget. 6.2.2 Time strategy The completion on time is a key requirement of this project. The Client has specifically required that the new facility must be completed on 1st August 2012. Under this circumstance, Management Contracting would be appropriate to meet the deadline. Due to the rapid progress of this procurement which provides overlapping of design and construction phases allows early commencement of works on site and therefore results in time saving. Moreover, the key strategy to ensure the project is completed on time is to make sure that all of the information from the design team is continuously issued on time to the Management Contractor and to ensure that the Management Contractor is always being updated. Hence, these could avoid any misunderstandings and delays during the construction works. Besides, the competency and experience of the Management Contractor will also ensure this ‘fast track procurement can be carried out efficiently. A high level of experience Management Contractor who familiar with this type of procurement route must be appointed so that the works on site are well manage and control throughout the whole process. 6.2.3 Quality strategy The Management Contracting would ensure the required high quality and aesthetic standards of this new build project can be successfully met. This is because this type of procurement method allows the Client to appoint and oversee the design team to develop detailed design which fulfills the specific requirements. Furthermore, to ensure the quality and aesthetic standards of this university facility are met, the Client has to make sure that the design team are aware and focus from the beginning of the project to develop the design based on these commitments. Additionally, all of the detailed drawings and specification produced by the design team must go into the contract between the Client and the Management Contractor so that the requirements of the Client are well informed thus can be managed efficiently the works on site to ensure the requirements are met. 7.0 Form of Contract A contract is defined by Cooke Williams (2009) as a means of formalising the relationship between the contracting parties in which the rights and obligations of the parties are agreed and the balance of risk between the parties established. The contracts also establish how administrative procedures and the serving of formal notices are to be conducted and mechanisms for dealing with contract payments, delays, compensation and disputes says Cooke. There are several of contracts produced by different bodies used in the construction industry but by far the JCT (Joint Contracts Tribunal) is the most popular forms of contract in use. Hence, the JCT 2005 Management Building Contract is recommended to be used in this project. The JCT 2005 Management Building Contract comprises (Hackett, Robinson Statham, 2007): Management Building Contract Management Works Contract Tender Agreement Management Works Contract Conditions Management Work Contract / Employer Agreement Under this forms of contract, the management contractor tenders on the basis of a management fee and the works contract are being let by separate packages when the design of those packages are developed (Cooke Williams, 2009). The management contractor is legally bound with these work package contractors under the Management Works Contract. In other words, the management contractor is responsible to manage the work package contractors. Moreover, during the design stages, the contract also requires the management contractor to cooperate with the consultant team such as architect, engineering and quantity surveyor. In addition, all necessary programmes for execution of the project which includes detailed construction programme are required to prepare by the management contractor (Cooke Williams, 2009). Under the contract, the management contractors duties include maintaining and regularly updating the detailed construction programme. 8.0 Conclusion In conclusion, the Management Contracting is the most suitable procurement route for this project. This procurement system allows the Client to design the new university facility according to his requirements and appoints the Management Contractor to manage the construction works on site. Using the Management Contracting, the price certainty can be achieved with close monitor of the cost of each work packages so that the building can be built within the budget of  £ 20 million. Furthermore, the advantage of this ‘fast track procurement method tends to meet the time of completion for this project. Last but not least, since this is a prestigious project, this type of procurement route ensure the high quality and aesthetic standards are met in accordance with the Clients requirements. With these, it is recommended for the University to adopt the Management Contracting as the method of procurement to maximise the success of the project. Procurement Methods for Design and Construction Procurement Methods for Design and Construction 1.0 Introduction A client brief has been provided for the development of a new facility in the University of Salford. In this report, a review will be carried out based on the requirements of the client in the brief and critically analyse the potential procurement methods for both the design and construction of the project. Recommendations for the appropriate procurement route and forms of contract supporting by detailed reasons will be suggested in the report. The Client, The University of Salford, is aspiring to become an outstanding University renowned for the quality of its engagement, humanity, global reach and leadership in research, innovation and education. Strategic plan has been developed to achieve the Universitys goal which is to be ranked amongst the very best of UK universities and recognized internationally by 2017. To achieve this objective, the School of the Built Environment is intended to develop a new facility within the university campus. The building is to be a prestigious and high aesthetic facility which will replace an older building in the university. The new proposed building will contain facilities listed as below: State of the art lecture theatres Meeting rooms Extensive classroom and studio facilities Office accommodation Laboratory accommodation Learning Resource Units External works In addition, the Client requires the new facility to be carbon neutral to be in accordance with the University policy. Furthermore, the Client has allocates a budget of  £ 20 million to cover the total development cost of the project. This cost will include construction works, external works, statutory and professional fees. This proposed building must be completed and handover by 1st of August 2012. The completion date is critical as the facility must be ready for the new academic year. In short, the Clients key requirements and objectives of this new build building are listed as follows: New university facility which will realise the Universitys goal to become a high reputable and internationally renowned university. The facility is to be constructed in highest aesthetic and qualitative standards. The budget of the project is  £ 20 million. The construction time is important as the building is needed by 1st of August 2012 at the very latest. To carry out the construction works of this new facility, the Client needs to understand the various procurement methods available for the project. Hence, this report will analyse the key procurement issues for the Client to consider. 2.0 Procurement Assessment Criteria (PAC) Turner (1990) says that ‘the procurement route that is appropriate to the overall balance of objectives and to client priorities for each project should arise from those objectives and priorities. There are several procurement assessment criteria being set as a guide to choose the appropriate method of procurement: Time Complexity Quality Cost Risk Flexibility In this case, three main criteria which are time, cost and quality will be focused and assessed in the following sections for this particular project to find the most suitable procurement route that balance between these three criteria. Figure 2.1: The balance of time, cost and quality 3.0 Traditional Procurement The traditional system, probably the most commonly adopted procurement strategy in UK, sometimes referred as ‘design-bid-build method. This is because the traditional route separates the responsibility for the design of the project from its construction with a ‘tendering period (Cooke Williams, 2009). Initially, the client appoints consultants for design and for cost control and contract administration of the project. After the design is completed, the tender stage starts by using two stage tendering or negotiation to appoint a contractor for the project. The appointed contractor will then enters into a direct contract with the client and responsible to build and deliver the project. The organizational structure of traditional procurement is shown in Figure 3.1. In addition, due to the design must be completed before the tender stage, the cost of construction can be determined with reasonable certainty before the construction commences on site (Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi , 2006). Client Consultant Contractor QS, structural engineer Architect Subcontractor Supplier Figure 3.1: Traditional procurement (Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi, 2006) The traditional procurement is commonly used because of its particular advantages. These advantages are listed as follows: The design is complete before tendering ensures price certainty for the client. The design does not substantially change during construction therefore contract variations can be kept to a minimum. The client able to have direct influence and retains control over the design team, thus quality in the design can be assured. Detailed information such as drawings and Bills of Quantities provide a common basis for tendering and evaluation is relatively easy. The procedures are well known and enabling confidence to be assured in parties which involved throughout the process. Variations and contract changes are relatively easy to handle. Firm contractual date for completion. While this procurement route has its advantages, there are also criticisms. The main disadvantages are: The duration of project may be longer than other procurement methods as the strategies is sequential and construction cannot be commenced before the completion of design. A longer duration of project may make the cost of project higher because of the increased period of interim financing charges and interim payment to the contractor and consultants. These may cause the cost of project exceeds the clients budget. All the design risk is carried by the client. The contractor has no input into the design and planning of the project. The sequential nature of this system can result in poor communication between the client and the project team and can be cause of expensive disputes. 3.1 Cost By adapting this method of procurement, the cost is agreed as a lump sum fixed price between the University and the contractor thus provides overall cost certainty for the University before the construction commences on site. Besides, the project cost can be estimated, monitored and controlled by the Clients cost consultant during the whole project period and therefore large cost overruns will not occur which is an important advantage to the Client. In addition, traditional method could provide the Client value of money. As explained before, since the design stage is completed before the construction, the design and cost consultant team of the Client will corporate to ensure the design is value for money. 3.2 Time With this procurement route, as the design is carried out before the tender process, the length of time spent to develop the design and prepare the tender documents by the consultant team can be very long. This process tends to prevent the construction works to be started on site. In fact, traditional procurement is identified as the slowest method of procurement compare to others. Hence, this is a disadvantage for this new university facility project as the date of completion is critical. 3.3 Quality The traditional procurement provides the high degree of certainty that the quality and aesthetic standards will be met (Masterman, 2002). This is because the University can select the most appropriate design team for this project to complete the design before the tender stage. During the design stage, the University has direct control and influence over the design therefore can ensure the high aesthetic and quality standards for the new facility are fulfilled. 4.0 Design and build Procurement Ashworth (2006) defined design and build as ‘a procurement arrangement where one single entity or consortium is contractually responsible to the client for both the design and construction of the project. In other words, under a design and build strategy, a single contractor takes the risk and responsibility for designing and building the project. The client will employ a design team to carry out some preliminary design or scheme design. The client will then appoint a contractor to assume the responsibility for the design as well as the construction process. The contractor needs to develop the scheme design to a detailed design. Figure 4.1 illustrates the relationships between the parties that involved in the project. In this method of procurement, the construction can start before the detailed design is completed, but at the contractors risk (Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi, 2006). In practice, design and build procurement consist of a range of variable. The two common variants of this type of procurement are client-led design and build and contractor-led design and build. Client Architect or QS advisers Contractor Subcontractor Suppliers Architect and other designers Figure 4.1: Design and build (Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi, 2006) In client-led design and build, also known as develop and construct, a small number of contractors will be invited to tender for the project when the design is virtually completed possibly with full bills of quantities or notional bills. In this procurement route, study of Cooke Williams (2009) indicates that the client is fully involved in the design development and therefore the design risk is taken fully by the client as the contractor has little involvement to the fundamental design. Additionally, the client will be responsible for all design fees from start to ends of the project. There is an alternative to this method which is a popular practice in the construction industry. Once the contract has been awarded, the design team including the clients architect and other members of the design team will be novated to the contractor. In other words, the contractual obligation to complete the detail aspect of design is legally passed over to the contractor. In this way, the client wi ll maintain an interest in the design but the contractor will be responsible to the continuing design fees and the entire design (Cooke Williams, 2009). On the other hand, in contractor-led design and build, the client may provide minimal information in the outline brief to the contractor. Thus, the contractor is fully responsible for the conceptual and detailed design. As a result, the contractor has to produce a building which meets the clients requirement. In this situation, the contractor takes all of the responsibilities, risks and rewards of design. The contractor may provide an in-house design facility or engage independent design teams (Cooke Williams, 2009). It is preferable to appoint a design team coordinator to ensure the flow of information between the design team and the project team. The main advantages of design and build procurement are listed as follows: The client has only to deal with one firm since the contractor provides single-point responsibility for design and construction. Price certainty is obtained before the commencement of construction works provided the clients requirements are adequately specified and changes are not introduced. The total cost of project is usually lesser than other types of procurement systems. The overall project period is reduced because of overlapping activities as construction can be started before the design is completed. Despite its advantages, design and build has many arguments among the practitioners and client of the industry. The drawbacks of this procurement method are: Tender bids are difficult to compare since each design will be different result in different project time and prices. The tender period and negotiation tends to be much longer Changes of client to project scope can be expensive. No guarantee in terms of design and quality because has less control over this aspect. The client may find difficult in preparing an adequate and sufficiently comprehensive brief. 4.1 Cost The design and build approach enables the contractor to be more positive about the final cost to the Client at an earlier stage (Masterman, 2002). The price would be agreed between the Client and the contractor before construction commences on site. Besides, the initial cost and final cost of using this procurement system are usually lower than other procurement approaches. This is mainly because of the reduction in design costs and the integration of design and construction process. However, value for money is difficult to assess in this type of procurement. This is because there is usually limited information available at the tender stage, not to mention there are different methods, designs and services can be offered by the contractor. As a result, the Client may not be able to judge the efficiency of the design. 4.2 Time The specialty of this procurement route is that the contractor is responsible for both design and construction. Therefore, it allows the overlap of design and construction phases thus reduce the overall project period. This would be an advantage for the University because it ensures the construction works of the new facility can be commenced early. According to Masterman (2002), design and build projects have a better record in terms of completion on time. Hence, the University would be able to have the new building ready for new academic year by using this method of procurement. 4.3 Quality This method of procurement would not be a suitable procurement for this high aesthetic and quality standards project. Design and build is belief that most suitable for simple uncomplicated project which the aesthetic and quality of the project is low. The reason for this is that the contractor is responsible to develop the detailed design of the project. In some circumstances, inevitably the contractor will economise the cost of design to boost the profit margins which will caused a negative effect on the project quality. Additionally, in a design and build project, if the Client unable to provide a satisfactory brief, it is possible result in the Clients functional and quality requirements being unsatisfied. 5.0 Management Procurement 5.1 Management Contracting In this procurement strategy, a management contractor is engaged by the client to manage a number of work package subcontractors in return for a fee. Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi (2006) stated that the management contractor has direct contractual links with all of the subcontractors and carries the responsibility for the construction works without actually carrying out that work. In this method of procurement, the works are let in forms of work package and subcontractors will bids competitively for each work package to obtain the work. The relationship between the parties in management contracting is shown in Figure 5.1.1. Client Consultants Contractor QS, structural engineer Architect Work contractor Figure 5.1.1: Management contracting (Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi, 2006) Management contracting is a ‘fast track strategy says Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi (2006). The work package approach allows the maximum overlap design and construction activities. In more general terms, provided that the work package is completed, the subcontractor may starts works on site before all of the design works are completed. Therefore, the overall project period can be reduced. Due to the nature of this type of procurement, cost certainty cannot be achieved until all packages of work is tendered and let. Hence, strict control of the work package budget is essential for the success of the project (Cooke Williams, 2009). In this strategy, the client reimburses the cost of the work packages to the appointed management contractor who will then pay the subcontractors. So, it is important to appoint the management contractor carefully and ensure that the management fee is appropriate. As the common characteristics of management contracting are previously described, the advantages of this procurement route can now identified: Overlapping of the design and construction processes tends to save time for the overall project thus enables earlier completion to be achieved. The nature of the procurement enables the contractor contribution to design and project planning. Changes can be accommodated provided that packages affected have not been let and there is little or no impact on those already let. Quality of the project can be assured as the design can be developed in stages and site supervisor can be appointed to ensure the quality standard is achieved. On the other hand, there are also weaknesses in this procurement method. The disadvantages are listed as follows: Poor price certainty at the early stage and the potential cost commitment depends on the design team estimates. The total cost of project is usually unknown until the project is well into the construction programme. The client must provide a good quality brief to the design team as the design will not be completed until the client has committed significant resources to the project. The client is responsible for the majority of the project risks. Damages of delay are difficult to pin on one subcontractor. 5.2 Construction Management Under a construction management strategy, Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi (2006) points out that the client does not allocate risk and responsibility to a single main contractor. The client employs the design team and appoints a construction manager based on a negotiated fee simply to manage, programme and co-ordinate the design and construction activities carried out by the work package contractors. Unlike the management contracting, the each work package contractors have direct contractual link with the client and is paid directly by the client (see Figure 5.2.1). Client QS, structural engineer Architect Construction manager Trade contractor Trade contractor Figure 5.2.1: Construction management (Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi, 2006) The construction manager will provides professional construction expertise without assuming financial risk because there is no contractual link with design team or work package contractors. Hence, by using this procurement route, Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi (2006) stated that the client has to be involved closely in the design and construction phases and take necessary actions based on the recommendations from the construction manager. Therefore, this method of procurement is not suitable for inexperienced client. It is recommended to use this procurement for large and complex project or a high degree of design innovation where the client wants deep involvement. Basically, the construction contracting has the similar advantages and disadvantages with the management contracting. Therefore, they will not discuss more in this section and please refer to the previous section if necessary. 5.3 Cost The uncertainty of price will be seen as a disadvantage for the management procurement system. However, the benefit of this ‘fast track strategy may result in cost savings and offsetting extra construction costs. Therefore, it could reduce the overall expense of the project. Besides, in this procurement, the cost of the project can be minimised by improving buildability and by work package contractors undertake the works at competitive prices. 5.4 Time For projects which need fast design and construction period, this would be the appropriate type of procurement to be used. The overlapping of design and construction phases will allows an early start of construction works on site and therefore saving in time can be achieved. Since the time of completion is an important issue in this project, the Client would be suggested to consider to adopting this procurement methods. 5.5 Quality Under this procurement route, the quality of the completed project can be achieved which fully meet the Clients needs provided that the design team is working closely with the management contractor on all aspect of the project to ensure he is fully aware of the design constraints as well as the Clients requirements. Besides, due to the management contractor is appointed at the early stage, he will be able to contribute his construction expertise to achieving an efficient quality standard for this project. 6.0 Justification of procurement strategy 6.1 Procurement Matrix After considering and evaluating the options of procurement available for the project, the most appropriate procurement system that suitable for the project can be selected. This can be achieved by assessing and setting the priorities of the project objectives in terms of time, quality and cost and the client attitude to risk. A universal procurement selection technique which is a procurement matrix is employed to help to select an appropriate procurement strategy for this particular project. The Universitys key objectives and requirements of this project are taken into account during the assessment. After completing this procurement matrix, the result shows that Management Contracting would be best suited procurement system for this new university facility project. Please see the attachment for the completed procurement matrix for this project. 6.2 Procurement strategy After a critical analysis of the procurement options as discussed above and completing the procurement matrix, the Management Contracting route is highly recommended to be adopted for this new build facility project. The reasons of this suggestion is being made are discussed as below. 6.2.1 Cost strategy In terms of cost issue, the Management Contracting probably is not the most recommended procurement systems compare to Traditional and Design and Build. This is because it is not the greatest at providing price certainty to ensure the budget of  £ 20 million can be met at the beginning of the project. However, Morledge, Smith Kashiwagi (2006) points out that this does not mean that the Client has less control over the project cost as strict supervision can be exerted over this aspect of the project. Due to that each package of work are being let by competition between contractors, the Client can monitor the cost closely and if necessary, adjust later work packages in order to cover any cost overruns in the previous work package. Furthermore, the University has to appoint the Management Contractor so that he can advise and contribute at the design process based on his professional expertise and carry out value engineering works to ensure the project is being built within the budget. 6.2.2 Time strategy The completion on time is a key requirement of this project. The Client has specifically required that the new facility must be completed on 1st August 2012. Under this circumstance, Management Contracting would be appropriate to meet the deadline. Due to the rapid progress of this procurement which provides overlapping of design and construction phases allows early commencement of works on site and therefore results in time saving. Moreover, the key strategy to ensure the project is completed on time is to make sure that all of the information from the design team is continuously issued on time to the Management Contractor and to ensure that the Management Contractor is always being updated. Hence, these could avoid any misunderstandings and delays during the construction works. Besides, the competency and experience of the Management Contractor will also ensure this ‘fast track procurement can be carried out efficiently. A high level of experience Management Contractor who familiar with this type of procurement route must be appointed so that the works on site are well manage and control throughout the whole process. 6.2.3 Quality strategy The Management Contracting would ensure the required high quality and aesthetic standards of this new build project can be successfully met. This is because this type of procurement method allows the Client to appoint and oversee the design team to develop detailed design which fulfills the specific requirements. Furthermore, to ensure the quality and aesthetic standards of this university facility are met, the Client has to make sure that the design team are aware and focus from the beginning of the project to develop the design based on these commitments. Additionally, all of the detailed drawings and specification produced by the design team must go into the contract between the Client and the Management Contractor so that the requirements of the Client are well informed thus can be managed efficiently the works on site to ensure the requirements are met. 7.0 Form of Contract A contract is defined by Cooke Williams (2009) as a means of formalising the relationship between the contracting parties in which the rights and obligations of the parties are agreed and the balance of risk between the parties established. The contracts also establish how administrative procedures and the serving of formal notices are to be conducted and mechanisms for dealing with contract payments, delays, compensation and disputes says Cooke. There are several of contracts produced by different bodies used in the construction industry but by far the JCT (Joint Contracts Tribunal) is the most popular forms of contract in use. Hence, the JCT 2005 Management Building Contract is recommended to be used in this project. The JCT 2005 Management Building Contract comprises (Hackett, Robinson Statham, 2007): Management Building Contract Management Works Contract Tender Agreement Management Works Contract Conditions Management Work Contract / Employer Agreement Under this forms of contract, the management contractor tenders on the basis of a management fee and the works contract are being let by separate packages when the design of those packages are developed (Cooke Williams, 2009). The management contractor is legally bound with these work package contractors under the Management Works Contract. In other words, the management contractor is responsible to manage the work package contractors. Moreover, during the design stages, the contract also requires the management contractor to cooperate with the consultant team such as architect, engineering and quantity surveyor. In addition, all necessary programmes for execution of the project which includes detailed construction programme are required to prepare by the management contractor (Cooke Williams, 2009). Under the contract, the management contractors duties include maintaining and regularly updating the detailed construction programme. 8.0 Conclusion In conclusion, the Management Contracting is the most suitable procurement route for this project. This procurement system allows the Client to design the new university facility according to his requirements and appoints the Management Contractor to manage the construction works on site. Using the Management Contracting, the price certainty can be achieved with close monitor of the cost of each work packages so that the building can be built within the budget of  £ 20 million. Furthermore, the advantage of this ‘fast track procurement method tends to meet the time of completion for this project. Last but not least, since this is a prestigious project, this type of procurement route ensure the high quality and aesthetic standards are met in accordance with the Clients requirements. With these, it is recommended for the University to adopt the Management Contracting as the method of procurement to maximise the success of the project.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Identity Theft :: Journalistic Essays

Identity Theft Everyone loves shopping online, you save time, not exactly money, but who cares when its holiday time, at least you won’t need to fight for a parking spot in the hectic malls. Growing up in America’s technological day and age, almost everyone has a computer or at least knows how to operate one. People like the easy way out, and it has its benefits. Year by year, things seem to get easier and easier. Therefore, people are getting lazier. Well, I say, goodbye â€Å"laziness†, and hello â€Å"being aware of where you place those important documents†. There’s very little you can do to prevent it, and you won’t know it’s happened to you until it’s too late. Identity theft is currently the fastest growing type of robbery in the United States. When a person steals someone’s identification documents without them knowing, and uses their information, the crime is called â€Å"Identity Theft†. â€Å"About one in five victims knows the identity thief as a relative, roommate, neighbor, or coworker, according to the FTC ID Theft Data Clearinghouse report, says reporter Isham Jones for Realtor Magazine Online. There are two main types of identity fraud that enables people to steal your identity. They are financial fraud, being the most widespread including credit card, bank, telecommunications, tax refund, and several other types of scams. Criminal activity is the other type fraud that involves taking someone’s identity and using it to commit heinous crimes. â€Å"Identity theft accounted for 42 percent of the thousands of consumer complaints reported to the FTC in 2001. The FTC processes these complaints through Consumer Sentinel, an electronic clearinghouse available to investigative groups such as the FBI and the U.S. Secret Service as well as to similar groups in other countries†, reports Waterline reporter Carole W. Butler. There are many laws that lash out against identity theft and help protect you against it, but it doesn’t seem like its scaring any of the criminals. ID theft is still the number one crime in America!!! Identity theft can happen to anyone, and to avoid being put in a situation like this one you have to review your Credit report at least once a year. Purchase a shredder to shred all documents with personal information before throwing them away. Be responsible over every bank statement, and keep them under close watch. Don’t send mail using your unsecured mailbox. Have your social security number changed if it is the same as your driver’s license number.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Leadership Experience

Leadership experience I naturaly very communicative person and can get on with people easily. This make people around me to feel comfortable and more open. As a result it gives me an opportunity to encourage and enspire them to achieve goal. I have experienced leadership position in high school by organising various event which need to operate defferent tasks and motivate my collegue to work. Afterwards, in my recent summer internship, I explored my leadership potential by being able to conrol people at my work place during compliting the task, evethough I was a new member of company.I very value fairness. In my high school teacher were putting the grades unfairly. It was depending on personal connections, whereas meant to level of knowledge and hard work done. At the end of the studying year my tutor came to a few students and asked them to buy some presents or flowers for those teachers who did put a lower grade. So I was very unhappy about this situation, some students were studyi ng harder but got lower result. If it continuous students might not have too much interest and motivation.I came to my tutor and explained that everyone aware of their way of putting grades. I made an appointment with priciple and told him about situation and asked for some actions against this. As a result he took more close surepvisory under tutors and other teachers. I am very interested on traveling. In my young age I visited various parts of the World. I have seen developing Bali/Seichells Island/Botswana/Zimbabve/Jamaica/Cuba, progressing South Africa/Mexico/Argentina/Cayman Islands, competative Brazil and other countries.It gives me an overview of differce between regions. It is not only about language it about the whole culture. It is interesting to watch how some countries developing whereas other are already developed and fight for market place I would like to apply my theoretic knowledge into the practice. Also, I am very communicative person and I find it usefull to meet with different people in order to exchange the knowledge, ideas and expereince and I believe that Royal Bank of Scotland will be able to provide it for me!

Friday, November 8, 2019

The eNotes Blog 16 Days ofSummer

16 Days ofSummer editorial intern shares his tips of how to make the most of your high school summer. Or any summer, for that matter! Im a huge Harry Potter fan.   My grandma bought me the first book when I was 11, and from then on I read every book within the same week it was released.   My extreme anticipation and excitement for the release of the final installment, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,  back in 2007 should be understandable then.   However, I was conflicted.   The release date for the 7th book was set for the end of July, which is far too close to the end of summer from a students perspective.   You see my dilemma.   As a typical high school student, I wanted the long carefree days of summer to last forever, however, I now had this exciting event to look forward to at the end of summer.   For the first time in my life, I was looking forward to summer ending.   This turned out to be the slowest summer ever.   My summer that normally felt like it was only 16 days long now felt like the setting of a slow-motion dream I couldnt escape.   Ultimately, I became comfortable with th e pace of that summer in 2007 and learned to enjoy my time and stay in the moment up until that long awaited release of the Deathly Hallows. That summer was a stark contrast to a typical high school summer, which moves way too quickly and is filled with sobs of students during the final weeks.   The days meld together and may begin to pass you by.   Lets take a look at some tips to ensure that youre making the most of your summer and emerge into the next school year after a productive and fun vacation. 1. Break it down.   You have two and a half months ahead of you with no academic obligations.   Plan your summer by answering these basic questions which will provide an outline for your time ahead:  1. What will I do with my time?, 2. What are my obligations?, 3. What will be fun?, 4. What will be beneficial? 2. Travel.   One of my biggest regrets of high school is that I considered leaving my street to be traveling.   Travel and learn to be comfortable making your own decisions, being your own boss, and not having your mother force you to clean your room.   You will gain experience, confidence, and surely return a changed person.   More importantly, you will be better equipped to handle college. And anyways, girls like well-traveled men (and vice versa).   If a trip outside of the US isnt plausible, spend a couple days in a neighboring city. 3. Get that beach body.   Summer = warm weather = go outside.   Take advantage of the weather and play outdoors.   Bike riding, beach workouts, and surfing are all fun, great workouts that allow you to enjoy the great outdoors.   CrossFit is a great way to build muscle and shed fat to be looking your best by the start of next school year. 4. Pick up a hobby.   Start a new one every summer.   This gives you something to work towards and improve in every day and will help you feel productive.   Pick up the guitar, grab the surfboard, start doing archery, learn computer programming, or kick around the hackysack.   The more diverse and well-rounded you are, the more perspectives and knowledge you have.   It also makes you more valuable to others, and is a great way to meet new people. 5. Go learn something.   Yes, you read correctly.   Now that youve learned about shapes (Geometry) and the Warsaw Pact (European History), go learn something of applicable value that you can use in real life.   The classroom is a great way to learn discipline and theoretical knowledge, but nothing beats some old fashioned life experience.   Learn how to balance a checkbook, deliver a moving speech, or grill the perfect steak. 6. Work.   Summer is the time to enjoy yourself away from school and hang out.   With that being said, financial obligations must still be considered.   The first distinction to make here is that there is a difference between needing  money  and needing  experience.   These two emphases will prompt you to search for jobs in different areas.   If you need money, then any job that pays you highly should be your goal.   If you need work experience for your resume or target career, then an internship (even if its unpaid) is a worthwhile option.   Many good companies offer summer internships that you should start pursuing several months ahead of time. 7. Cherish your time with your friends.   Even if you think youre sick of your high school friends and ready to move on to college, I encourage you to try to enjoy your current relationships as much as possible.   You have a window of opportunity right now with your current friends and living situation, so enjoy the present moment.   In college, you will move away and lose contact with the majority of people you interact with (and after college the real world sets indont get me started on that). 8. Scavenger hunts!   Theres no better way to spend time with friends than a scavenger hunt.   I only did one of these in high school, but it was a memory that will be ingrained in my mind forever.   You get to hang out with your friends and do things that would otherwise be inappropriatewhats not to like?   Afterwards, have all the groups come together at a park or house and talk about the good times. 9. Enrich yourself academically.   Taking time away from school is important and mentally advantageous.   However, if you want to get a step ahead, continue your educational pursuits outside of the classroom.   Take a summer school course to lighten your load next year.   Read books that you  want to read.   Take a prep course to prepare yourself for the SAT.   The consequences of your current actions will echo in the years to come.   It looks like this: well prepared for the SAT good score on the SAT accepted into a good college graduate from a good college look good on your resume hired by a good company $. 10. Veg out.   All of these recommendations aside, its important to spend your free time how you want to and at times spend that time not doing anything at all.   This is one of the final summer vacations   in your life.   Get some RR and be ready to hit it hard again next year.   Find that balance between work and play.   Most importantly, dont look back on this summer and have regrets.   Try to make it last 16 days.   Enjoy.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Examining The Green Paper Every Child Matters Social Work Essays

Examining The Green Paper Every Child Matters Social Work Essays Examining The Green Paper Every Child Matters Social Work Essay Examining The Green Paper Every Child Matters Social Work Essay In 2003, the authorities published a Green Paper called Every Child Matters. This was published alongside the formal response to the study into the decease of Victoria Climbie , the immature miss who was horrifically abused, tortured, and finally killed by her great aunt and the adult male with whom they lived. The Every Child Matters ( ECM ) Green Paper identified the five results that are most of import to kids and immature people, which include being healthy, remaining safe, basking and accomplishing, doing a positive part and accomplishing economic wellbeing. These five results are cosmopolitan aspirations for every kid and immature individual, whatever their background and fortunes ( DfES, 2003 ) . The results are reciprocally reenforcing, for illustration kids and immature people learn to boom when they are healthy, safe and engaged, and the grounds shows clearly that educational accomplishment is the most effectual path out of poorness ( DfES, 2003 ) . Therefore in this essa y I am traveling to critically measure the current statute law, policies and processs that impact on looked-after kids ( LAC ) with mention to two of the five ECM results: being healthy and basking and accomplishing. CONTEXT FOR LAC Under the Children Act 1989, a kid is looked after by a local authorization if he/she is in their attention or provided with adjustment for more than 24 hours by the local authorization. This includes kids who are accommodated under a voluntary understanding with their parents ( subdivision 20 ) , kids who are the topic of a attention order ( subdivision 31 ) or interim attention order ( subdivision 38 ) and kids who are the topic of exigency orders ( subdivision 44 ) ( ) .A The Department for Children, Schools and Families ( DCSF ) national statistics for LAC in England ( including acceptance and attention departers ) for the twelvemonth stoping 31 March 2009 noted that there were about 60,900 LAC, which is 2 % more than last twelvemonth s figure of 59,400 and comparatively unchanged compared to 2005 ( 61,000 ) . The bulk ( 73 % ) of kids were of White British beginning, with the staying 27 per cent being from a assortment of other cultural backgrounds ( DCSF, 2009 ) . The bulk of LAC 73 per cent are looked after by surrogate carers, with 1 in 6 of these placed with household and friends. A little figure of kids ( 290 in 2007 ) live in secure kids s places, either as welfare arrangements or placed by the Youth Justice Board. About a 3rd of kids ( 30 % ) are placed outside of their local authorization boundary, although around half of these still live within 20 stat mis of their place. This has deductions for how services are commissioned for these ki ds. The authorities hence developed policies and statute law which highlight a thrust towards significantly bettering the future results of all LAC. Health OF LOOKED-AFTER CHILDREN It is of import to observe that kids and immature people should bask the best physical, emotional, mental and religious wellness and development so that they feel good about themselves and their lives ( CYPNow, 2009 ) . The National Service Framework for Children and Young People ( DoH, 2004 ) besides states that all kids should accomplish the best physical and emotional wellbeing. But research has shown that LAC s physical and mental wellness is known to be significantly poorer than that of the general kid population. LAC are amongst the most socially excluded of all immature people. They are often reported in authorities research, policy and counsel to hold greater demands than their equals yet are less likely to have equal health care and intervention ( DoH, 2004 ) . Meltzer et Al. ( 2003 ) found that about two-thirds of all LAC were reported to hold at least one physical ailment. The most often reported were oculus and/or sight jobs, address or linguistic communication jobs, bed-wetting ( including among older kids ) , trouble with coordination, and asthma ( DCSF, 2008 ) . A survey analyzing the immunization position of over 3,000 kids looked after by nine wellness governments across England found that they were more than twice every bit likely as kids populating at place non to hold received the meningococcal C vaccinum ( Hill, Mather et al. , 2003 ) . A survey in Wales reported that kids who had been in public attention for at least six months were significantly less likely than kids populating in their ain places to hold received immunizations against lockjaw, whooping cough and infantile paralysis ( DoH, 2002 ) . However all these surveies were undertaken in the early 2000s and betterments in the wellness demands of vulnerable immature people have since been recorded by most local governments. For illustration, the mean immunization rate rose from 76.5 per cent in 2005 to 80 per cent in 2007 ( DoH, 2008 ) . This addition was influenced by the launch of the Quality Protects Initiative ( 1998 ) and the 2002 Department of Health Guidance on Promoting the Health of LAC which influenced many local governments in the state to hold local wellness squads dedicated to working with LAC. This holistic theoretical account of wellness in the 2002 counsel uses the spheres of the Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their households ( DH, 2000b ) . This is merged with the LAC system to make the Integrated Children s System ( DH, 2002 ) which provides the common model for appraisal, intercession and planning for all kids in demand including LAC. The counsel provinces that when a kid enters th e attention system, they should have a wellness appraisal by a registered medical practician within 14 yearss, which provides a footing for a wellness program which will so be reviewed yearly ( DH, 2002 ) . The mental wellness demands of LAC are widely known to be greater than those of the general population ( Utting et al. , 1997 ) . Meltzer et Al. ( 2003 ) found that 45 per cent of LAC aged 5 to 17 were assessed as holding a mental upset compared to 10 per cent of the general population, while a study by the National Foundation for Educational Research ( 2009 ) found that many attention departers were enduring from mental wellness jobs ( CYPNow, 2009 ) . Early household experiences which may hold resulted in the immature individual being in attention, coupled with experiences within the attention system such as frequent arrangement moves, strong-arming and maltreatment, may lend to the high degrees of mental wellness demands of LAC ( Minty 1999 cited in Callahan et al. , 2003 ) . In order to run into the demands of LAC with mental wellness jobs, the Care Matters White Paper stated that the authorities will utilize statutory counsel to guarantee CAMHS ( Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services ) provide targeted and dedicated proviso that suitably prioritises kids in attention . But the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children ( NSPCC ) saw a startling disagreement between assessed demands and service proviso for mental wellness. Research shows that up to 17, 000 kids in attention who have mental or emotional wellness demands received no support from CAMHS in 2006-07, go forthing them reliant on voluntary sector proviso ( Ward et al. , 2002 ) . A figure of grounds are suggested to explicate this mismatch of demands and services. First, many general CAMHS usage rigorous referral standards to find the rightness of referrals, and will merely accept immature people who meet those standards. Long waiting lists farther complicate issues for immature people, and are an obvious manner in which general CAMHS are unresponsive to the demands of vulnerable immature people. Typically, immature people are referred at a clip of crisis. Although it is non needfully allow for CAMHS to be wholly crisis responsive, it is however improbably of import for vulnerable immature people to have aid at the point when they try to prosecute the system. Besides many CAMHS services do non supply intervention at all for kids in short-run arrangements or those deemed non stable, despite the fact that behavioral or emotional jobs may forestall a kid accomplishing stableness. The consequence will be that each clip a kid moves arrangement they will hold to be re-referred to CAMHS and get down at the underside of long waiting lists ( Ward et al. , 2002 ) . For attention departers, it was noted that conflicting theoretical accounts of pattern between kid, stripling and grownup mental wellness services and higher thresholds for referrals into grownup services affected professionals ability to supply attention departers with proper support ( CYPNow, 2009 ) . Specialist squads and practicians can better the service kids in attention receive from mental wellness services by supplying fast response and appraisal, audience to carers and societal workers, placement support, and priceless protagonism, every bit good as intervention ( DoH, 2002 ) . Besides professionals and carers who work with vulnerable people need to be trained as they frequently find it hard to place mental wellness demands and to do appropriate referrals ( Minnis and Del Priore 2001, cited in Harper and Dwivedi, 2004 ) . The Audit Commission ( 1999 ) maintains that CAMHS should be planned in concurrence with other bureaus, as the mental wellness of kids and immature people is the duty of all those straight involved with kids and non merely the duty of CAMHS ( DfES, 2004 ) , and this is in line with the Integrated Children s System and the National Service Framework for Children and Young People ( DfES, 2004 ) . EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES OF LOOKED-AFTER CHILDREN The importance of basking a good educational experience is cardinal for all kids, and could be argued to be paramount for LAC and immature people. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989, article 28 ( 1 ) provinces that all kids have the equal right to instruction ( cited by UNICEF, 2006 ) . Jackson ( 1994 ) cited in Blyth and Milner ( 1996 ) points out that it is merely through school that kids earn a passport to a different sort of future as it improves the chances for their employment, fiscal independency, personal and household life and wellness and wellbeing ) .Those without instruction are at a personal and institutional disadvantage.A This is said to be one of the grounds why parents care so passionately: why they move house, take out insurance and even put on the line political animadversion to direct their kids to a school of their pick. Are local governments prepared to do comparable forfeits in their function as parents? Are they inspired to procure a different sort of hereafter for their kids? ( Blyth and Milner, 1996 ) Research shows that LAC achieve significantly poorer educational results than other kids. It has been noted that, in 2008-09, merely 44 per cent of LAC had at least 1 GSCE or GNVQ compared to 46 per cent in 2007-8, and merely 7 per cent obtained at least 5 GCSEs at class A* to C, a figure which has remained the same over the last few old ages ( DSCF, 2009 ) . Even though the authorities has initiated some policies and strategies to better the educational attainment of LAC, wide-scale betterment has been much slower than anticipated. Some of the policies initiated include Quality Protects ( 1998 ) , Children ( Leaving Care ) Act 2000, the Care Standards Act 2000, Every Child Matters Green Paper 2003 taking to the Children Act 2004, Education and Inspections Act 2006 and Care Matters: Time for Change White Paper 2007. Hayden ( 2005 ) states that the chief grounds for hapless educational results include: unequal corporate parenting, the attention environment, a failure to prioritize instruction, inappropriate outlooks, arrangement instability and disrupted schooling every bit good as pre-care experiences ( Hayden, 2005: 343 ) . The Social Exclusion Unit study A Better Education for Children in Care identified cardinal countries for action based on bettering the educational attainment of kids in attention. One was to understate school absenteeism and exclusion of LAC in schools. This has been addressed by the Social Exclusion Policy Unit which was launched in 1997 and the Guidance on the Education of Young People in Public Care ( 2000 ) which states that LAC should non be for good excluded and that exclusion is to be used merely as a last resort ( DfES, 2000 ) . Although national marks were set to cut down the figure of school exclusions by one tierce before the twelvemonth 2002, the graduated table of the job is difficult to quantify. Statisticss on kids for good excluded represent merely a proportion of exclusions, but over recent old ages Numberss appear to hold been lifting systematically, particularly among younger students. Social disadvantage is a common subject: kids in public attention, travelers, immature carers and kids with SEN, African Caribbean students and male childs are peculiarly at hazard. It has been estimated that up to 30 % of kids in public attention are out of mainstream instruction at any minute whether through exclusion or hooky ( DH, 2000 ) . Separate on-site support units have yet to hold much positive impact on exclusion or suspension figures, though school-based societal workers and instruction public assistance officers have been shown to be effectual ( Department of Health research in pattern, 2000 ) . The usage of designated instructors to work with LAC in schools was introduced by the authorities counsel Supporting and Promoting the Education Achievement of Young People in Public Care ( 2000 ) , and is besides stated in subdivision 20 of the Children and Young Persons Act 2008. The function of the designated instructor is to move as an advocator for LAC within their school and to work in partnership with other professionals when fixing a Personal Education Plan ( PEP ) . The Social Exclusion Unit ( SEU ) study found that although some schools actively promoted the usage of designated instructors, other schools provided designated instructors with few or no extra resources ( SEU, 2003 ) . Fletcher-Campbell et Al. ( 2003 ) cited in Petch ( 2009 ) found that there were troubles in guaranting that all kids in attention really had a PEP. Some instructors interviewed in their survey felt that PEPs were merely a paper exercising. Harker et Al. ( 2003 ) reported a deficiency of apprehension in some schools of the PEPs and the designated instructor s function. Merely 42 per cent of the immature people in their survey had heard of PEPs, and non all of those really had one. Out-of-school-hours educational support and extra-curricular activities can hold a positive consequence on educational results and can play an of import function in guaranting that looked-after immature people are enjoying and accomplishing , an of import aim in Every Child Matters ( DfES, 2003 ) . Article 31 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child besides states that all kids have the right to take part in leisure, cultural and artistic activities ( UNICEF, 2008 ) . However, research has shown that current out-of-school-hours survey support and extra-curricular proviso for looked-after kids vary a great trade by country. The Social Exclusion Unit found that merely three quarters of the 2,000 kids in attention that it surveyed had entree to after-school activities and nines, and merely two tierces used them ( SEU, 2003 ) . Those populating in residential places or with parents, as opposed to further carers, had lower degrees of entree. Similarly, a survey of athletics found that more than one tierce of LAC non presently playing athletics would wish to, and 91 per cent of immature people in attention who were questioned identified at least one barrier to engagement that they personally faced: cost ( Who Cares? Trust, 2004 ) . The authorities developed the Department for Education and Skills Guidance ( DfES 2006 ) which states that schools can utilize their delegated budgets to subsidize drawn-out activities that conveying an educational benefit for vulnerable kids and immature people, including LAC. The Green Paper Care Matters: Transforming the Lifes of Children and Young People ( DfES, 2006 ) besides encouraged local governments to supply free entree for kids in attention to all their installations including leisure Centres, athleticss evidences and young person nines. However, the impact of these commissariats on out-of-school-hours larning activities for LAC seems to change across different schools and local governments and still needs to be closely monitored. On attention departers, surveies have shown that the effects of neglecting to obtain educational makings are really serious, frequently reprobating immature people to life on the borders of society ( Biehal et al. , 1995 ) . Their opportunities to hold a good and stable life are damaged by the deficiency of support and services offered whilst in attention and during the critical passage to adult life. Since the pioneering research of Stein and Carey ( 1986 ) cited in Biehal et al. , 2004, the troubles and challenges confronting immature people go forthing attention have been more widely recognised. For illustration, attention departers make up 30 per cent of stateless immature people ( Hutson, 1997 ) . An enquiry by the Howard League into the usage of prison detention for adolescent misss found that 40 per cent of 15- to 17-year-olds had been in attention ( Biehal, et Al, 1995 ) . These effects are non short-run ; with fewer occupations available for ill educated people, the employment chances of those once in attention get increasingly worse as they grow older and their chances for engagement in mainstream society lessening ( Biehal et al. , 1995 ) . However, even though there is grounds of some advancement in GCSE public presentation and in post-16 instruction and employment since the debut of the Children ( Leaving Care ) Act 2000 ( Petch, 2009 ) , studies indicate that many immature people are still go forthing attention early and that the chief elements of passage to adulthood be given to be compressed and accelerated ( McNeish et al. , 2002 ) . This therefore shows that societal workers and other professionals involved with kids in attention still necessitate to make a batch in doing certain that immature people are given all the support they need before traveling out of attention. The importance of inter-agency working among professionals working with LAC has been stressed in legion policies and statute law to better their results. For illustration, the Audit Commission study, Seen but non Heard ( 1994 ) , cited in Alcock et Al. ( 2008 ) stressed the necessity to accept shared duty when reacting to the educational demands of LAC and immature people: Social Services and instruction demand to accept joint ownership of the job of disrupted instruction of LAC and work together to happen solutions ( Audit Commission, 1994, p. 25 ) . Most late there has been Working Together to Safeguard Children ( 2006 ) , which states that, a shared duty and the demand for effectual articulation working between bureaus and professionals that have different functions and expertness are required if kids are to be protected from injury and their public assistance promoted ( DCSF, 2006: p.10 ) . Successful inter-agency working is non ever achieved as societal workers and instructors have different professional civilizations, and in today s universe have separate marks and ends, which are set by the Government. Current policies have identified societal workers as being cardinal to bettering the criterions of LAC s instruction, as they advocate on behalf of LAC, initiate Personal Education Plans, arrange LAC reappraisals and liaise with all professionals involved in a LAC s life. However the attitudes and actions of societal workers have been considered as causal to the hapless accomplishment of LAC. Specifically they have been cri ticised for giving instruction a low precedence, holding low outlooks of LAC and neglecting to value the importance of instruction as a manner of bettering self-esteem ( Iwaniec and Hill, 2000 ) . Aldgate et Al. ( 1993 ) reported that merely 2 % of societal workers consider the support of educational attainment as an of import facet of their occupation. Harker et Al. ( 2003 ) besides suggest that the force per unit areas of a societal worker s heavy caseload may ensue in them giving greater precedence to issues they consider to be more of import than the instruction of LAC. Decision Even though the authorities has launched a figure of enterprises to better the wellness and educational results of LAC, advancement has been slow and there is a deficiency of consistence across the state. Multi-disciplinary working has been identified as being cardinal to guaranting that LAC are provided with the best chance to make their full potency. The General Social Care Council ( GSCC ) codification of pattern provinces that societal workers should recognize and esteem the functions and expertness of workers from other bureaus and working in partnership with them ( GSCC, 2002 ) . However, this is non ever go oning, as hapless communicating between societal workers and instructors has been cited as a cause for concern in a figure of surveies. Therefore societal work practicians need to reevaluate their degree of communicating and to be cognizant of the bing policies and counsel to guarantee best pattern and recommend efficaciously for their kids.